Better Policies. Better Future.

Sosseh Taimoorian (Summer 2011)

Sosseh Taimoorian was accepted into the Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship program in summer 2011, through which she was able to intern for both the PFA and the Armenian National Institute. While interning for PFA, Sosseh worked on drafting a research policy paper proposal on migratory trends in Armenia. Her research involved collecting and cataloguing all sources of data referencing social and economic trends such as demographics, labor forces, internal/external migration, natural birth/death rates, remittances, etc. Sosseh’s work was used to help PFA’s lead researchers prepare for a larger study. Sosseh graduated from the University of California, Berkeley in 2012 with a BA in Urban Studies and a concentration in Global Poverty. She currently resides in Los Angeles, CA and plans to begin her Master’s program in Geographic Information Systems in Fall 2013.