It is with utmost sadness that Policy Forum Armenia has learned of the death of Major Vahe Avetyan, head of the ENT Department of the Yerevan Garrison Hospital, on June 28, 2012. He was severely beaten along with two other doctors on June 17 (on the premises of “Harsnaqar” restaurant owned by governing Republican Party MP, Ruben Hayrapetyan) by a large group of restaurant employees and Hayrapetyan’s personal bodyguards.
Policy Forum Armenia strongly condemns Major Avetyan’s brutal murder and extends its deepest condolences to the Avetyan family. We reject the reprehensible atmosphere of impunity that has created a breeding ground for incidents like this and leaves irreparable personal wounds, shatters social cohesion, and undermines national security.
We call upon all friends of Armenia—individuals as well as political and civic organizations with stake in Armenia’s development, in and outside of Armenia—to help bring about the long-overdue change in the country that would help prevent events like these from taking place again.
PFA Executive Board
Washington, Los Angeles, Yerevan
June 30, 2012